
The game is now released for everyone to play!!


-Player dosnt automaticly exit the void

-Added more chat messages

-Victory messages added

-Void phases get faster the less health the entity has

-Oryx Room respawns shouldnt be insite the ball anymore

-Golem Room angry boy cant spawn in the upper left corner anymore

-Slime Room Player placed more foreward but cant move untill the minigame starts

-Some message Chances adjusted

-Removed some dev tools

-Removed some debug messages

What comes in the future:

-Balancing Patches

If the players like the game:

-A SFX update

-A Update that releases a secont path to Cult

-Different smaller updates that include a global score leaderboard

Huge Thanks To:

-Delphio/Curiell for playtesting/giving usefull feedback and writing all the chat messages

-SirFisch for playtesting/giving usefull feedback and recreating some sprites

-Deatttthhh for playtesting/giving usefull feedback

-All the other playtesters

Get The Pubhalls Experience

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